[community post] Flowable and CockroachDB

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[community post] Flowable and CockroachDB

Software engineer and tech blogger Joram Barrez discusses Flowable and CockroachDB, and how to best use the two together. Check out his tutorial below:

CockroachDB is a project I’ve been keeping an eye on for a while. It’s a an open-source, Apache 2 licensed, database system(Github link). At it’s core its a key-value store that scales horizontally. But what makes it really interesting for us though, is that 1) it supports SQL by using the Postgres wire protocol and 2) has full ACID semantics and distributed transactions. If you’re interested in how they achieve this, make sure to read the technical posts at the CockroachLabs blog (I admit, sometimes it’s not for the faint-of-heart ;-)). Do note that it is still a distributed system and thus follows the CAP theorem, more specifically it is a CP system.


It’s still early days, as you’ll read in their FAQ, as many things are not optimized yet. However, now that they recently added basic support for joins, I figured I should give it a spin with the Flowable engine. In this post I’ll show how easy it is to run the Flowable v6 process engine on CockroachDB.


(Sidenote: I love the name! For people that don’t understand it: cockroaches are one of the few creatures on earth that can survive something like a nuclear blast. Quite a resilient little animal … something you’d like for your data too)

Read the full post here: Running Flowable on CockroachDB

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